Dye Adhesion Promoter improves the adhesion of Bespoke Leather Dyes and Pigments. Best used with Dye Crosslinker.
Directional Use
Clean the leather using a Cotton Cloth and Leather Cleaner. For quick dry, use a Hairdryer. If using with the Dye Crosslinker, add 5-10% to the Dye Adhesion Promoter in a clean Plastic Jug and stir thoroughly. After this is added, the mix has up to 3 hours shelf life. Apply the Dye Adhesion Promoter evenly onto the leather using a Sponge Applicator or an Airbrush and activate by using a Hairdryer. A slightly opaque, tacky film will form. Apply the Bespoke Leather Dye or Pigment immediately after for best results.